CVQ Score

CVQ Score accounts for your education and career accomplishments.

CVQ uses a multitude of data points in determining the score. CVQ is now in beta stage and as the model evolves more data points will continue to be added.

Who is it for?

Whether you are in High School or College; or are an intern or someone starting your career; or are a member of the workforce or a retired professional doing post-retirement consulting – CVQ is for you.

In short, if you are a student or part of the workforce regardless of your level of education or your level of experience you can benefit using CVQ.

How it benefits me?

CVQ is built on the philosophy that people be rewarded for their efforts and accomplishments regardless of when those come to fruition in their life.

Make every accomplishment count!!

People peak at different times. Some peak while in high school, some peak while in college and some at some point during their career. One could have multiple peak points. CVQ considers these peak points as “display of one’s potential”. CVQ is designed to recognize these peak points and reward candidates accordingly.

For example, if you aced in High School and life’s circumstances kept you from performing at the same level in College, we want to make sure that the potential you displayed in High School still counts when you finish college and every step of the way in your career.

Same is true, if someone peaked while in college or at some point during their career, CVQ is designed to recognize it from that point onwards.

In some instances, some may not have been fortunate to go to College right after High School. They may have had to work for a few years before going to college. CVQ also recognizes this and accounts for their journey and provide a level playing field when they again enter the workforce after completing college.

In essence, CVQ is not a representation of snapshot in time instead it is a representation of your aggregate efforts and accomplishments up to that point in your life.

How do I use it?

CVQ can be used in a multitude of ways. For example, it can be used to:

  • Accrue and display your aggregate summary of efforts and accomplishments
  • Differentiate your accomplishments from others.
  • Market yourself.
  • Manage your career.
  • Aid your job search process.

Accrue and display your aggregate summary of efforts and accomplishments

As time progresses, we sometimes tend to forget or leave a significant accomplishment out only because it had happened a long time ago or because we feel it is irrelevant to where we are at today.

Make every accomplishment count. Enter your accomplishments for which CVQ provides a provision to enter. Have it accrue and let it reflect on your CVQ Score.

It is possible that you may not be able to think of all your accomplishments in one sitting. Anytime you think of a past accomplishment that you have not yet added or anytime you accomplish anything new, come back and add it.

Note: Some of your accomplishments will start showing on your CVQ as per the CVQ Refresh Guidelines whereas some will tend to bear fruit in the long run; some may not even show a bump at all since the bump may be trivial in the bigger scheme of things or because it is deemed not a contributing factor to CVQ.

Also note, CVQ is still in beta stage and you may not yet find a provision to enter some of your accomplishments. It is possible that we may already be working on it. But feel free to let us know using the support link available under your ‘Account’ dropdown on the top navigation bar of the APP. Although there is no guarantee that it will be incorporated, we will review it.

Differentiate your accomplishments from others

Everyone’s journey is different. By making your accomplishments count, and letting that reflect on your CVQ, you are differentiating your accomplishments from others in a succinct way.

Market yourself

Share your CVQ on LinkedIn, Indeed, WayUp and/or other career, networking sites.

Every time your score is updated don’t forget to refresh your scores on these sites that provide you visibility.

Manage your career

Your CVQ is a good barometer to see where you stand amongst your peers. By using your CVQ as a guide you can take proactive measures to improve your CVQ to stay competitive amongst your peers or to stay ahead of the curve.

For more information on how to improve your CVQ, see CVQ Score documentation.

Aid your job search process

Download a copy of the CVQ score image and place it on the top right corner of your resume when responding to job postings.

Don’t forget to update your resume with your latest CVQ, if it has changed since.

CVQ Refresh Guidelines

How often will my CVQ change?

CVQ is designed to update once every 24-72 hours timeframe, accounting for all of your accomplishments up to the last completed calendar quarter.

So accomplishments from Q1 (Jan-Mar) of a year will be accounted during Q2 (April-June) of that year. The look back period of any quarter is up to period ending last completed quarter.

Let us take an example here:

If you earned your Bachelor’s degree in February which is in Q1 and you input that before March 31st, it will start reflecting in your CVQ from April onwards i.e. Q2.

Let us say you graduated in February, but you did not input that until May, CVQ will account for it within 24-72 hours of you inputting it, since the graduation happened in February (Q1) and we are already in May (Q2) of that year.

Same is true when you remove an entry.

It is also possible for your CVQ to not change between quarters if there has not been any significant change to your data, unless we have updated the data points and contributing factors.