
Employment Information


Enter the start date of your employment.

To / Current Employment

Enter the end date of your employment. If you are still holding this position then choose ‘Current’.


Enter your work title.

Employment Type

Choose the appropriate employment type. The types are self-explanatory.

  • Full time
  • Part time
  • Internship
  • Post-Doctoral Research


Enter the name of your employer.

If you are/were self-employed and work under your own corporation or LLC, enter the name of your company.

If you are/were self-employed, or work as a 1099 contractor, enter Self Employed or Independent.

City, State and Country

Enter the city, state and country of your work location.

If you worked in multiple locations as part of a job rotation, just enter the primary location.

Responsibilities/Work Experience

Enter your responsibilities or the work experience you gained.

Employment Characteristics

These are characteristics the Industry and marketplace use. CVQ generates CVQ scores for some of these characteristics. Use these to showcase your experience.

Organizational Position

The organizational position is a higher level grouping within an organization. Some examples are:

  • Entry Level
  • Associate Level
  • Junior Management
  • Middle Management
  • Senior Management
  • Executive management
  • Board Members

Unfortunately there are no standards across Industries or for that matter even within an Industry. A title viewed as Middle Management in one Company/Industry may be viewed as Senior Management in another.

Enter the organizational level of your position as viewed by your organization here.

Department and Functional Area

A ‘Department’ is a higher level classification when compared to ‘Functional Area’.

A functional area is associated more closely with the type of work one performs, also known as the Job Description.

A Department is one that encompasses one or more functional areas and is used to structure these functional areas organizationally. One could be responsible for more than one functional area; same is the case with departments.

Example 1

In Company X, the Accounting department has multiple functional areas such as Accounts Receivables, Accounts Payables and General Accounting etc.

If John were to be responsible for both Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payables in Accounting, he would enter Accounting under Department and Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payables under Functional Area.

Example 2

In Company Y, Marketing department has functional areas – Advertising, and Social Media and the Sales department has functional areas Inside Sales and Outside Sales.

If Jane were to be responsible for Advertising, Social Media Outreach and Inside Sales and supports two departments Marketing and Sales, then she would enter Marketing, Sales under Department; and Advertising, Social Media Outreach and Inside Sales under Functional Area.

Enter the department and functional area as it pertains to your job here.

You can also add multiple entries here if that is your case. If you have more than one entry, after entering your first entry, use the ‘tab’ key or the ‘return’ key to add your second entry.


Enter the Industry your employment / work experience belongs to. You can also add multiple entries here if that is your case.

For example, Jane works for a Consulting company. Her consulting work touches clients from multiple industries, say Retail and Pharmaceutical industries.

In this case Jane would add three Industries here - Consulting, Retail and Pharmaceutical.