CVQ Score

CVQ is a rewards based system; your accomplishments contribute towards your CVQ as long as it is a criteria identified as a factor to contribute towards your score. This is an evolving model and is in beta stage. There are no penalties included in the design of the system and hence your score should not go down unless you change your data points or remove an entry or the model is recalibrated across the board to affect everyone such as modification of the overall scale.

CVQ score depends on a multitude of data points in determining your CVQ. Hence:

“The more information you provide and the more accurate your record is, the better your CVQ will be.”

Although this is the general guideline, at the minimum, use the below as a check list while you create your education and experience records.


Account for all education records starting from High School; for example if you have a PhD, and your path to PhD was High school, Bachelors and Masters then enter all four records - High school, Bachelors, Masters and PhD.

Degree Date and Attendance Dates:

  • The dates you provide tell us the state of your education.
  • Hence if you have graduated, provide the accurate month and year of graduation in the Degree Date field.
  • If you are still pursuing provide your anticipated completion date (Attendance to field) and expected graduation date (Degree date). If these dates evolve as time goes by, come back and update it so the score reflects the actual state of your education.
  • If you have not started a program but have enrolled in one, do the same; provide your planned attendance dates and expected graduation date. If this changes, come back and update it so the score reflects the actual state of your education.

Add your GPA to each record.

If you earned any Honors or Awards add them to your record.

If you obtained two degrees as part of Joint/Dual/Concurrent/Integrated (JDCI) programs, enter both of your degrees as a dual degree record instead of two separate education records.

For more information on all of the above, also see education documentation.


CVQ Score gives credit for any and all work experience.

For example:

  • Any work experience you gained while pursuing your High School diploma
  • Internships, other work experience while pursuing your college degree
  • Full time work, multiple part time work or any combination thereof while on hiatus from college
  • Full time work, multiple part time work or any combination thereof, as part of your on-going career
  • Post-Doctoral research work

So add any and all work experience you deem relevant.

Maintain accurate ‘From date’ and ‘To date’ for each of your experience records. For example, if you had marked an experience record as “Current” since you were holding that position at that time of creation of the record, don’t forget to come back and update the record with the correct end date once you have moved on from that position.

Also choose the right employment type.

For more information on all of the above, also see employment documentation.